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About Us

Started by two friends and a 3 gallon pot.
It was about 2011 and I, Brett was looking for a hobby. And after visiting the North Carolinian's, specifically my brother in law Eric who let me help with something he was brewing up. And like all men said if he can do it... I could too! So later on that fall I did some reading bought up the necessary items to brew a extract batch. During this process I had talked to my cousin and she relayed the beer making enterprise to her husband Jay. Well Jay is the curious type and the type that likes beer so he asked if he could see what its all about. So fast forward not to long we went from bottling our beer to kegging our beer from kits to full grain batches. And somewhere in there the desire to one day be serving our beers to friends new and old came about. Now in 2019 the location at 101 main st Earling came up for sale and at that time I could come up with no good reason not to, my wife on the other hand had a few :). So we remodel and applied for permits and licenses and opened up a pub. On Sept 9th 2019 our federal brewers notice was approved! And the state applications were submitted to be approved shortly after. So starting the fall of 2019 Farmhand will start brewing their own beers right out of the rural Iowa.
